
The 5 Most Vital Acreage Management Tools

Managing forested acreage may seem like a chore to some, but in truth, it’s one of life’s greatest joys. Each task presents an opportunity to get outside and connect with nature in a way that most folks seem to miss.  3 Point Wood Chipper However, especially if your property is a little larger, not all of your work can be done by hand. In fact, many of the items on your to-do list require assistance in the form of the industry’s best-valued forestry products—that is, at least, if you want to get things done in a timely manner. Whether you’re shopping in a ranch supply store or browsing online, you’ll find there are all sorts of tools and machines designed to give landowners a helping hand. But not all of this gear is created equal. To help you spend less time shopping and more time maintaining your acreage, here’s a list of the five most vital property management tools for landowners. A Capable ATV/UTV One of the most time-consuming and physically demanding acreage management a

Build a DIY Porch Swing for Your Log Cabin with These 3 Tips

There’s nothing quite like the satisfaction that comes from building something with your own two hands. You know where it came from, you know how it was assembled, and you can depend on it to hold up for years to come. That’s why many people build their own log homes. With your own forested acreage, a durable portable bandsaw mill , and a little friendly guidance, you’ll be impressed at just how much you can accomplish. Once the structure itself is complete, of course, you’ll need to truly turn it into a home by handcrafting your own furniture. From a dining table to chairs, a bed, and even shelving, you can skip the big-box stores and simply build it yourself. There’s nothing quite like a front porch swing to make a new log cabin feel like home, both for you and your guests. Use these three tips to build a DIY porch swing you can enjoy proudly. Start with High-Quality Lumber More likely than not, you sought out choice timber as you constructed your log cabin. Why did you go to al

How to Prepare Logs for Your Portable Sawmill Bandsaw

Whether you’re a landowner managing forested acreage, an independent sawyer, or a hobbyist woodworker looking to make each project even more personal, there are many fantastic reasons to mill your own lumber using one of the industry’s best-valued sawmill bandsaw models. ATV Log Trailer But it’s not as simple as just loading up logs and starting your saw. After all, you want your milling to go as smoothly and efficiently as possible. That means ensuring quality cuts as well as avoiding damage to your logs or sawmill. With this in mind, a little prep work can go a long way. Use these four tips to prepare logs before loading them up onto your portable sawmill bandsaw. Cut Your Logs to Length Ideally, you aren’t just milling for the sake of it—you’re milling with a purpose. Understanding your purpose will help you decide what length your boards should be, and this vital detail will inform how you set up your sawmill, including whether or not you add track extensions. You’ll want to

3 Things to Consider When Storing Project Logs This Winter

You may need to store your project logs over the winter for all kinds of reasons. Perhaps you’re waiting on a permit before using your bandsaw sawmill to mill boards for that upcoming property improvement work. Or maybe winter arrived earlier than anticipated and has settled in for the next several months.  Bandsaw Sawmill Whatever the case may be, storing your logs properly can help keep them in the best condition possible until you’re ready to mill them. Whether you’re storing them for just a few days or until the spring thaw, a little bit of diligence can go a long way. So, when you’re ready to put those logs away and save them for another day, use these three tips to protect them against the elements, avoid waste, and ensure a stunning final product when you do finally get around to using your logs. Get Your Logs Off the Ground When it comes to storing logs during winter, there are several obvious threats you should mitigate. From pests that can ruin your logs to

5 Maintenance Tips for Your Portable Sawmill

Your portable sawmill is truly a standout among your collection of best-valued forestry equipment. From getting the most out of your forested acreage to making every project more personal and avoiding astronomical lumber yard prices, your portable bandsaw mill is an asset in more ways than one.  Portable Sawmill To extend the lifespan of your portable sawmill bandsaw and enhance your return on investment, it’s vital that you keep your mill in prime operating condition by performing regular inspections and maintenance. What are the key elements of portable sawmill maintenance? Although this list isn’t exhaustive, let’s have a look at five crucial tips that you can use to keep your bandsaw mill in tip-top shape for years to come. Sharpen and Replace Blades as Necessary It’s not much of a bandsaw mill if it isn’t cutting correctly, is it? Moreover, cutting with dull or damaged blades will lead to shoddy cuts and can cause undue wear and tear to your portable mill. Keep

The 4 Forestry Products That Will Save You the Most Money

Whether you’re a landowner, an independent woodworker, or a hobbyist sawyer, you spend plenty of time working with the forestry tools best suited to help you tackle each stage of your projects. But not all of this equipment is created equal.  For seasoned pros and newcomers alike, there’s a huge variety of products, capabilities, and price points within each class of forestry equipment. None of us can afford to overspend on gear that includes features we don’t need and would never use. In short: We’re looking for the capability we need at a justifiable price point. Fortunately, it’s possible to get the gear you need without breaking the bank. If you’re shopping for the gear you need to get the job done, use this list of the four best-valued, money-saving forestry products to stay under budget. Portable Bandsaw Mills Are you a landowner looking to make the most of your forested acreage? Then a portable bandsaw mill is the first piece of forestry equipment worth your c

Furnishing Your Cabin: 4 Tips for Building a Bed Frame by Hand

Having a place to call home is important to almost everyone, but there’s nothing quite like the sense of accomplishment and independence that comes from building it with your own two hands.  If you’ve recently built your own cabin, be it on the grid or off, you know this feeling well. Now, you’re ready to make it yours by handcrafting interior furnishings to make it livable. The most important piece of furniture you’ll build is your bed—after all, we all need a place to sleep. You don’t need any fancy gear or specialized tools to build a sturdy bed and the rest of your cabin furniture. Using your portable bandsaw mill , a draw knife, and some simple hand tools like clamps and a chisel, you can create rustic furniture that’ll last a lifetime. As you set out to build your rustic log bed, use these four tips to end up with a finished product you can be proud of. Plan Around Your Mattress and Box Spring Before you harvest the timber you’ll need to build your bed, start with a solid pla