Just Received Your New Portable Bandsaw Sawmill? Start with These 4 Accessories

If your portable bandsaw mill just arrived or is on its way, you’re probably itching to get out there and set it up. A bandsaw mill is more than a tool—sawyers love the sense of pride they feel when they take ownership of their acreage management, hobby construction, and other projects.

Portable Bandsaw Mill

Spend a little time scrolling through sawyer groups on social media, and you’ll learn a lot about how people like you use their portable sawmills. You can get excellent project ideas and undoubtedly read about the accessories sawmill owners find most useful.

To aid in your research, this article will cover some of the essentials people use to enhance the capabilities of their bandsaw sawmills. Check out this list of items to help you get started with your new portable mill.

Track Extensions

Some sawyers know for certain that they’ll never mill a single log longer than 10’5”, and that’s great! But if there’s a chance you might work with longer logs on your bandsaw mill, you’ll be glad to have at least one track extension on hand and ready to go.

With the ability to extend your track as necessary or with a permanent extension, you add versatility to your bandsaw sawmill that will help you take advantage of whatever opportunities come along.

A Durable, Mobile Trailer

If you want to take the portability of your new bandsaw sawmill to the next level, consider investing in a trailer package. When you purchase a bandsaw sawmill from a leading manufacturer, they often offer a trailer to go with it. The best trailers have leveling legs or jacks to offer stability on uneven terrain.

Quality trailers allow sawyers to take their portable bandsaw sawmills directly to the logs. With safety chains and a 2” ball hitch, it’s simple to attach your trailer to a towing vehicle and head out. Not all trailers are legal for highway use, however. Some are only designed for off-road use. Don’t make the mistake of assuming—be sure to check the particular requirements of your region.

Log Loading Ramp & Winch Kit

Depending on the size of log you’re typically milling, perhaps the biggest feat of using your new bandsaw sawmill is loading logs onto the bed. Some manufacturers offer a log loading ramp and winch kit that makes this work much easier, especially if you’re going it alone.

Depending on which make and model of bandsaw sawmill you chose, you can find a quality loading kit that allows up to roll logs weighing up to 2,500 pounds. Your kit should include a winch post, manual hand crank, and a pair of steel ramps. You’ll also want a mounting kit—that way, you can conveniently store your ramps on your trailer when you aren’t using or transporting them.

Bandsaw Blade Sharpener & Tooth Setter Bundle

If you’re like most sawyers, you want to produce the highest-quality cuts possible while also getting the most out of each blade. You can achieve both goals at once with a bandsaw blade sharpener. If possible, find a fully automatic sharpener powered by a 12V battery so you can use it in remote areas.

A quick note for new sawyers: You never want to push a dull blade through logs. By doing so, you can break blades prematurely, damage the blade beyond repair, and cause unsightly cuts. However, by sharpening bandsaw blades after 2-4 hours of milling time, you can grind off the tiny stress cracks that form in the gullet of the tooth, extending blade life. Keep in mind that it’s best to let a newly sharpened blade rest for at least a day so that the steel can recover from the sharpening process.

About Woodland Mills

“Why are these new sawmills so expensive? We can just build our own, can’t we?” Josh Malcolm didn’t know it at the time, but when he posed that question to childhood friend Neil Bramley, he was founding Woodland Mills—now the global leader in best-valued forestry equipment. Malcolm and Bramley spent their time as kids building mechanical contraptions and motorized vehicles, so it’s no surprise they both obtained mechanical engineering degrees. When Malcolm couldn’t find a durable sawmill at an attainable price point, he called Bramley, and the two got to work. Now, Woodland Mills utilizes cost-effective manufacturing and creates value through design to deliver exceptional products at reasonable costs while providing an unparalleled customer experience.

Get the accessories for your bandsaw sawmill from Woodland Mills at https://woodlandmills.com/


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