4 Tips for Using Your New Bandsaw Sawmill Safely

Whether you’re a hobbyist woodworker or landowner looking to get more out of your acreage, a durable bandsaw sawmill isn’t just a valuable piece of forestry equipment—it’s a tool that can help you make your mark. 

Portable Bandsaw Mill

From milling live edge slabs and fence boards to sawing cants, there are many possibilities. But if you plan on enjoying your new bandsaw mill for years to come, it’s crucial you learn how to use it safely and diligently apply the correct techniques each time you use it.

As you unpack and assemble your new bandsaw mill, review this list of four vital safety tips and consult your owner’s manual to ensure you follow proper procedure.

Wear the Right Clothing and Safety Gear

When operating a bandsaw sawmill—as with any machinery—protecting yourself with appropriate clothing and safety gear must be a top priority. Baggy or loose-fitting clothing can get caught, leading to serious consequences.

Simple clothing that fits tightly and secures with buttons or zippers is ideal. No, that doesn’t mean you need to wear spandex, but you should tuck in your shirt and button your sleeves. Wear long pants to protect your legs all the way down to your boots. Speaking of footwear, it should be closed-toed. You may also want to consider wearing boots with a hard toe.

Wear safety glasses and play it safe in areas where overhead hazards may be present by wearing a hard hat. Never wear jewelry while operating a sawmill bandsaw, and if you have long hair, keep it tied up or tucked away beneath a hat.

Keep Your Work Area Clean and Be Aware of Your Surroundings

Tripping is one of the most common hazards when operating bandsaw sawmills and similar equipment. Maintaining your balance and keeping your feet beneath you is essential for personal safety, especially while your equipment is running.

Before operating your bandsaw mill, clear the area around it, so you have a clutter-free space to move around as you work. During operation, watch where you step and move deliberately—you don’t necessarily need to work at a snail’s pace, but don’t rush.

Ensure your work area is well-lit. Store items such as hand tools and sawmill parts out of the way when you aren’t using them.

Power Down Before Making Adjustments

Attempting to adjust your bandsaw mill or perform maintenance tasks while the equipment is running poses an unnecessary, entirely avoidable risk to both you and the machine. You wouldn’t wire a new light fixture without turning the breaker switch off first, and there’s no good reason to try to work on your bandsaw sawmill while the engine is running.

If you need to adjust the blade guide, remove or install blades, or perform any other maintenance, always shut the engine off first and remove the ignition key if your engine is equipped with electric start. Your owner’s manual will detail safe shutdown procedures.

Use Common Sense

It should be clear by now that your new portable bandsaw mill, just like other machinery, is a tool to be treated with respect. Always think before you act, and never compromise when it comes to safety.

Hopefully, it goes without saying that you should never use your bandsaw mill if your faculties are diminished. If you’re tired or otherwise compromised, save the sawing for another day.

About Woodland Mills

Sawyers worldwide turn to Woodland Mills for the best-valued forestry products available. From stump grinders and wood chippers to the flagship HM126 portable bandsaw sawmill and the versatile Multilander trailer, Woodland Mills uses innovative designs and cost-effective manufacturing to deliver the equipment you need at a price that hobbyists can justify. When you join the Woodland Mills community, you aren’t just purchasing versatile products that are built to last—you also receive unparalleled customer service that keeps people coming back to Woodland Mills. By providing quality products and exceptional performance with direct-to-customer sales and flat-rate shipping, Woodland Mills delivers “value through design” to help you make your mark.

Discover versatile, rugged sawmill bandsaws from Woodland Mills at https://woodlandmills.com/


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