4 Signs It’s Time to Upgrade Your Wood Chipper

Many landowners find that a quality wood chipper PTO is essential to their acreage management work. Whether you’re trying to make short work of branches that fell during the winter or collecting chips for wood mulch or a walking path, wood chippers save time and produce a useful byproduct. 

Wood Chipper PTO

Like virtually all equipment, wood chippers eventually start to show their age. But you can’t afford to let underperforming equipment slow you down. If maintenance becomes too time-consuming or you find that you need more out of your wood chipper, it’s time to think about upgrading to a more durable, robust model.

We all want to get the most out of our forestry products, but at some point, we must admit that it’s time to move on. Here’s a list of four sure signs that it’s time to upgrade your wood chipper.

You Find Yourself Performing Maintenance Too Often

Whether you start to notice on your truck, your portable bandsaw mill, or your wood chipper, it’s always a bad sign when you have to perform maintenance more often than normal. If you replace the drive belt multiple times within a short period or find that your blades aren’t lasting as long as they should, it’s likely a sign that something else is wrong.

No, you shouldn’t panic at the first sign of trouble. Sometimes you end up with a defective replacement part—not ideal, but it happens—or you push your wood chipper a bit harder than you should. These scenarios aren’t necessarily cause for alarm.

But if it’s clear that your wood chipper is leaking or you just can’t seem to get quality chips out of your wood chipper, it’s time to take a thorough look at your gear. Make sure you inspect your wood chipper parts for quality and durability, just as you would with your sawmill parts. If you can’t readily identify and solve the problem, it could be that your chipper is simply past its prime.

Moving Your Wood Chipper is Inconvenient and Takes Too Long

Location has a lot to do with the ease or difficulty with which you operate your wood chipper. Sometimes, it’s less practical to make numerous trips hauling branches to your wood chipper and instead, you need to take your chipper to the source.

But if moving your wood chipper seems like a less pleasant task each time you do it, maybe it’s time to find a better product. Hey, our machinery isn’t the only thing that’s susceptible to aging—after a while, all of us operators slow down, too.

That’s why a wood chipper for a tractor is an excellent option for landowners. Simply hook it up, and your PTO chipper will follow your tractor just about anywhere. How’s that for taking a load off?

You Need to Chip Larger Branches

Not everyone who decides to upgrade their wood chipper or other forestry equipment does so because their current gear is underperforming. Sometimes our needs change, too, and there’s no sense in forcing your chipper to do job it wasn’t built to handle.

If you find yourself dealing with increasingly larger branches, you may find it’s worth upgrading to a wood chipper that features a larger chipping capacity. Fortunately, there are a few models on the market that deliver outstanding capability without costing an arm and a leg.

Your Acreage Just Got Bigger

Because a PTO chipper can go everywhere your tractor can, they’re one of the best investments a landowner can make. If you’re stepping up to a larger parcel, or if you’ve recently acquired a new one, it’s worth seriously considering a wood chipper that attaches to and is powered by your tractor.

That brings us to an important point. Not only are PTO chippers much easier to transport, but they also don’t require a separate fuel source to operate. They simply take the power from your tractor, which saves you money and hassle. Plus, PTO chippers are generally more capable than similarly priced gas-powered wood chippers.

About Woodland Mills

When mechanical engineer Josh Malcolm realized he would need his own bandsaw mill to tackle the list of projects on his new farm, he was surprised to find so many overpriced, underperforming sawmills on the market. He called his childhood friend, Neil Bramley, and asked, “We can just build our own, can’t we?” That was the beginning of Woodland Mills. Now, over a decade later, Woodland Mills is an industry leader due to products that deliver outstanding value through innovative design and efficient manufacturing. From the flagship HM126 portable sawmill to new Loglander log arches, backed by world-class customer service from the Woodland Mills team, Woodland Mills products help you make your mark.

Upgrade to a durable Woodland Mills wood chipper at https://woodlandmills.com/


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