Safely Harvest and Haul Timber to Your Portable Mill with These 3 Tips

Sourcing and milling your own lumber are arguably the most satisfying means of putting more of yourself into each project and taking your quality control to the next level. 

Whether you’re a landowner managing forested acreage, a hobbyist woodworker, or an independent sawyer, a portable bandsaw mill is an extremely valuable piece of equipment. But when it comes to obtaining and transporting logs to your mill, there are some safety considerations worth taking into account.

After all, with heavy timber and equipment involved, there’s always a chance that something could go wrong. That’s why, regardless of how you’re using your mill or what project you’re working on, it’s wise to keep safety top of mind.

So, before you head out to harvest that choice timber, take a look at these three vital safety recommendations.

Tell Someone Where You’re Going and What You’re Doing

Look, many of us have done this kind of thing before, and nobody needs a nanny. But if you get hurt or stuck, how will anyone know they should be out looking for you if you don’t tell them where you’re going and what you’re doing?

You might not even be leaving your property to access the timber you’ve been eyeing. But in densely forested areas, visibility diminishes quickly, and you don’t have to go very far before people nearby can no longer see or hear you.

When you go out to cut timber, tell someone where you’re going and when you expect to be back. That way, if you become injured or trapped and need help, they’ll be able to get you the help you need.

Fell Trees in a Safe Direction and Use the Landscape to Your Advantage

Oftentimes, the timber we’re after is large in diameter and quite heavy. If it falls in the wrong direction—toward your vehicle, a structure, or even you—things could get bad in a hurry.

Before you start cutting, it’s essential to gauge which way the tree’s leaning as well as the terrain and any wind. Based on these factors, you can determine which way the tree is likely to fall and notch appropriately to fell it in the desired direction.

Even smaller trees can be hazardous, so don’t take a cavalier attitude toward them based on their size. Even if it doesn’t injure you or cause any damage, a tree that falls the wrong way could prove difficult or dangerous to access, meaning you might not end up getting all or any of it logged and loaded into your ATV log trailer.

Let Your Tools Do the WorkFor You

When it comes to physical work like construction, agriculture, and forestry, ergonomic injuries are the most common. Ergonomic injuries occur as a result of repetitive motion, including repeatedly straining your body.

If you try to move too heavy a load by hand or you perform the same movement too many times, you’re liable to suffer—and may have previously dealt with—this type of injury. The best way to avoid getting hurt and preserve your strength is to let your tools and equipment do the work.

That includes letting your chainsaw cut at its own pace rather than pushing it through the tree, using a winch instead of hauling logs uphill on your own, and carefully positioning your UTV dump trailer to minimize the amount of ground you have to cover as you load or unload logs.

Do you frequently head into the woods to cut and transport logs? If so, an ATV trailer that includes folding side panels, log-loading ramps, and a winch with a 1,000-pound capacity would make a fantastic investment. With the right forestry equipment, you can get more done in less time while minimizing physical strain and keeping yourself healthy.

About Woodland Mills

After hiring a local sawyer to mill fallen trees on his property, Josh Malcolm decided he needed his own sawmill. But in searching for the right portable bandsaw mill, he found that the new models were too expensive, while used mills didn’t offer the performance he needed. So, Malcolm called his childhood friend Neil Bramley and asked, “We can just build our own, can’t we?” That was the beginning of Woodland Mills. Now, Woodland Mills is globally recognized as the go-to for independent sawyers, hobbyist woodworkers, and landowners looking for the industry’s best-valued forestry products. From the flagship HM126 sawmill bandsaw to the new HM136MAX, the new TF810 PRO PTO Wood Chipper, the Pathlander ATV log trailer, and much more, Woodland Mills delivers the capability you need at an attainable price point with world-class customer service.

Discover the best-valued forestry equipment from Woodland Mills at


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